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l 科研论文(部分)

[1] Jiecheng ChenGuoen HuXiangxing TaoLp(Rd) Boundedness for the Calderón Commutator with Rough Kernel Journal of Geometric Analysis (2023) 33:14,doi.org/10.1007/s12220-022-01056-1

[2] Zheng Yang, Liqin Zhang, Xiangxing Tao, and Yanting JiHeston-GA Hybrid Option Pricing Model Based on ResNet50Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.2022, Article ID 7274598: 1-17

[3] Zheng Taotao, Xiao Yanmei, Tao Xiangxing. The T1 theorem for the generalized product Calderon-Zygmund operator on product endpoint function spaces over RD spaces (in Chinese). Sci Sin Math,202252: 1-32

[4] Zhiyu Lin, Xiangxing Tao and Taotao Zheng, Compactness for iterated commutators of general bilinear fractional integral operators on Morrey spaces with non-doubling measures. AIMS Mathematics,20227(12): 645-659

[5] Xiangxing Tao and Guoen Hu, L^p boundedness for a maximal singular integral operator. Forum Mathematicum, (2022), doi.org/10.1515/forum-2022-0034

[6] Xiangxing Tao and Jiahui Wang, Commutators of multilinear \that-type generalized fractional integrals on non-homogeneous metric measure spaces. AIMS Mathematics, (2022),7(6): 627-647

[7] Taotao Zheng, Yanmei Xiao, Shaoyong He, Xiangxing Tao, T1 theorem on homogeneous product Besov spaces and product Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, Banach J. Math. Anal. (2022) 16:50,1-34

[8] Binxin Ji, Xiangxing Tao and Yanting JiBarrier Option Pricing in the Sub-Mixed Fractional Brownian Motion with Jump Environment. Fractal Fract. (2022)6, 244: 1-15

[9] Hu Guoen., Tao Xiangxing. An Endpoint Estimate for the Commutators of Singular Integral Operators with Rough Kernels. Potential Analysis (2021) doi.org/10.1007/s11118-021-09939-8

[10] Tao Xiangxing and Zhang Qiange, Commutators of log-Dini-type parametric Marcinkiewicz operators on non-homogeneous metric measure spaces. J Inequ Appl, (2021) 115, doi.org/10.1186/s13660-021-02651-6

[11] Xiangxing Tao, Guoen Hu, An estimate for the composition of rough singular integral operators, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, (2021), 64(4): 911-922

[12] Wei Wang, Guanghui Cai, Xiangxing Tao, Pricing geometric asian power options in the sub-fractional brownian motion environment, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, (2021) 145,110754: 1-6

[13] Yu, Xiao, Tao, Xiangxing; Zhang, Huihui; Ruan, Jianmiao, Some Estimates for the Bilinear Fractional Integrals on the Morrey speces, Math Inequ Applic, (2020), 23(3): 895-923

[14] Yongshuai ZhangXiangxing TaoTengteng YaoJingsong HeThe regularity of the multiple higher-order poles solitons of the NLS equationStudies in Applied Mathematics, (2020), 145: 812-827

[15] Taotao Zheng and Xiangxing Tao, Tb theorem for the generalized singular integral operator on product Lipschitz spaces with para-accretive functions, New York J. Math. (2020) 26: 1028-1063.

[16] Yongshuai Zhang, Xiangxing Tao, Shuwei Xu, The bound-state soliton solutions of the complex modified KdV equation, Inverse Problems, (2020), 36(6): 1-17

[17] Xiangxing Tao and Xiao Yu, Sharp multi-weighted bounds for multilinear fractional rough operators and Cohen–Gosselin type commutators. Mathematische Nachrichten, (2020), 293(7): 1405-1425

[18] Jiacheng Lan, Xiangxing Tao and Guoen Hu, Weak type endpoint estimates for the commutators of rough singular integral operators, Math Inequ Applic, (2020), 23(2): 1179-1195

[19] Yafeng Shi, Xiangxing Tao, Yanlong Shi, Nenghui Zhu, Tingting Ying, Xun Peng, Can Technical Indicators Provide Information for Future Volatility: International Evidence, J Systems Science and Information, (2020), 8(1): 53-66

[20] Xiangxing Tao and Guoen Hu, A sparse domination for the Marcinkiewicz integral with rough kernel and applications. Publ. Math. Debrecen. (2020),96/3-4: 377-399

[21] Taotao Zheng, Jiecheng Chen, Jiawei Dai, Shaoyong He, Xiangxing TaoCalderón-Zygmund Operators on Homogeneous Product Lipschitz Spaces. Journal of Geometric Analysis, (2021) 31: 2033-2057

[22] Taotao Zheng, Hongliang Li, Xiangxing Tao, The Boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund Operators on Lipschitz Spaces Over Spaces of Homogeneous Type, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series. (2020), 51(2): 653-669

[23] Taotao Zheng, Xiangxing Tao, Tb criteria for Calderon-Zygmund operators on Lipschitz spaces with para-accretive functions. Publ. Math. Debrecen, (2019),95/3-4: 487-503.

[24] Qiquan Fang, Xiangxing TaoSpectra of Generalized Bochner-Riesz Means on Weighted SpacesNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization(2019),(40)10: 1136-1149.

[25] 叶耀军、陶祥兴,一类非线性高阶Kirchhoff型方程的初边值问题,数学学报,201962(6): 923-938

[26] Xiao Yu, Xiangxing Tao, Huihui Zhang, Xiaomei Wu, A remark on fractional type multiple weight classes and its application, J Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications. (2018)9: 913-931

[27] Xiangxing Tao, Yafeng Shi, On multi-asset spread option pricing in a Wick-Ito- Skorohod integral framework. ANZIAM, (2017), 58, (3-4): 386-396

[28] Zheng T.T, Tao X.XBoundedness for iterated commutators of multilinear singular integrals of Dini’s type on non-homogeneous metric measure spaces (in Chinese). Sci Sin Math, (2017), 47(9): 1029-1046

[29] Xiangxing Tao and Songyan Zhang, On the generalized Z-algorithm for the neutral stochastic functional differential equations with infinite delay, J Comput Anal Appl,(2017), 23(4), 660-670.

[30] 黄文礼,陶祥兴,利普希兹区域上薛定谔方程Neumann问题的加权估计,数学物理学报,201636A(6): 1165-1185.

[31] Sha He, Xiangxing Tao, On the Theory of Multilinear Singular Operators with Rough Kernels on the Weighted Morrey Spaces, J Funct Spaces, (2016), Article ID 4149314, 1-13

[32] Krzysztof Stempak and Xiangxing Tao, Local Morrey and Campanato Spaces on Quasimetric Measure Spaces, J Funct Spaces, (2014), Article ID 1724861-15

[33] Xiangxing Tao and Yanlong Shi, Multi-weighted boundedness for multilinear rough fractional integrals and maximal operators, J Math Inequ(2015), 9(1): 219-234.

[34] Xiao Yu, Xiangxing Tao, Boundedness of multilinear operators on generalized Morrey space, Appl Math J Chinese Univ Ser.B, (2014), 29(2): 127-138

[35] Xiao Yu, Xiang Xing Tao, Boundedness for a class of generalized commutators on λ-central Morrey space, Acta Math Sin, (2013), 29(10): 1917-1926

[36] Yanlong Shi, Xiangxing Tao, The boundedness of sublinear operators on Morrey-Herz spaces over the homogeneous type space,  Analysis Mathematica, (2013), 39(1): 69-85

[37] Xiangxing Tao, On the regularity for p-Laplace Schr\"odinger equations with singular potentials, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, (2013), 58(3): 351-362

[38] 黄文礼,陶祥兴,李胜宏,分数Vasicek利率模型下的欧式期权定价公式,数学学报, 201255(2): 219-230

[39] Y-L.Shi, X-X. Tao, Some multi-sublinear operators on generalized Morrey spaces with non-doubling measures, J. Korean Math. Soc. (2012) 49(5): 907-925

[40] X-X Tao, The regularity problems with data in Hardy spaces for singular Schr\"odinger equations in Lipschitz domainsPotential Analysis, (2012),36(3): 405-428

[41] Xiangxing Tao, Huihui Zhang, On the boundedness of multilinear operators on weighted Herz-Morrey spaces, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, (2011), 15: 1527-1543

[42] Xiangxing Tao, Xiao Yu, Huihui Zhang, Multilinear Calder\'on Zygmund operators on variable exponent Morrey spaces over domains, Appl Math J Chinese Univ Ser.B, (2011), 26(2): 187-197

[43] X-X Tao, T-T Zheng, Multilinear Commutators of Fractional Integrals Over Morrey spaces with Non-doubling measures, Nonlinear differential equations and applications(2011), 18(3): 287-308

[44] 施雅丰,陶祥兴,张松艳,开关式Hurst指数分形Black-Scholes市场中的欧式期权定价,经济数学,201128(1): 12-16

[45] X-X Tao, Y-L Shi, Multilinear Commutators of Calder\'{o}n-Zygmund operator on $\lambda$-central Morrey spaces, Advances in Mathematics (China), (2011), 40(1): 47-59

[46] 陶祥兴,张松艳,非齐次粗糙核参数型Marcinkiewicz算子的H^p有界性,数学学报,201154(1): 97--110

[47] S-Y. Zhang, X-X. TaoBoundedness of Littlewood-Paley operators in generalized Orlicz-Campanato spaces. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, (2010), 40(4): 1355-1375

[48] X-X. Tao, Quantitative unique continuation for Neumann problems of elliptic equations with weight, Mathematical Methods in Applied Science, (2010), 33(7): 863-873

[49] Chin-Cheng Lin, Ying-Chieh Lin, Xiangxing Tao, Xiao Yu, The boundedness of Marcinkiewicz integral with variable kernel, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, (2009), 53(1): 197-217

[50] 陶祥兴,位瑞英,可变核Marcinkiewicz积分交换子在HerzHardy空间上的有界性,数学物理学报, 2009, 29A(6): 1508-1517

[51] Y-L. Shi, X-X. Tao, Multilinear Riesz potential operators on Herz-Type Spaces and generalized Morrey spaces, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, (2009),38(4): 635-662.

[52] 鲁圣洁,陶祥兴,多重的非对称核Hardy-Hilbert 积分不等式,数学物理学报,200929A(3): 597-606.

[53] 陶祥兴, 史彦龙, 张松艳, 多线性Riesz位势算子在Morrey乘积空间和Herz-Morrey乘积空间上的有界性, 数学学报,200952(3): 535-548

[54] Y-L. Shi, X-X. Tao, Boundedness for multilinear fractional integral operators on Herz type spaces, Applied Mathematics, J Chinese Univ Ser.B, (2008), 23(4): 437-446.

[55] X-X. Tao, Q-Q. Chen, The boundedness of maximal function in Orlicz-Campanato spaces of homogeneous type. Georgian Mathematical Journal, (2008),15(2): 377-388.

[56] X-X. Tao, S-Y. Zhang, Weighted doubling properties and unique continuation theorems for the degenerate Schr\"odinger equations with singular potentials. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. (2008),339(1): 70-84.

[57] Xiangxing Tao, Songyan Zhang, On the unique continuation properties for elliptic operators with singular potentials, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series. (2007),23: 297-308

[58] 陶祥兴,张松艳,非光滑系数抛物方程弱解的双倍性质和唯一延拓性,数学年刊,2006, 27A(6): 853-864.

[59] Lu Qihong, Tao Xiangxing, Characterization of maximal operators in Orlicz-Morrey spaces of homogeneous type, Applied Mathematics J Chinese Univ Ser.B, (2006), 21(1): 52-58

[60] 蒋先江,陶祥兴,Navier-Stokes方程正则性和爆破的一类条件,数学年刊,200526A(5): 731-736

[61] Xiangxing Tao, Songyan Zhang, Boundary unique continuation theorems under zero Neumann boundary conditions, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society. (2005),72(1): 67-85

[62] Xiangxing Tao, Henggeng Wang, On the Neumann problems for the Schrodinger equations with singular potentials in Lipschitz domains, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, (2004),56(3): 655-672

[63] Xiangxing TaoDoubling properties and unique continuation at the boundary for elliptic operators with singular magnetic fields, Studia Mathematica(2002), 151(1): 3148

[64] 陶祥兴,凸区域上椭圆方程弱解的边界唯一延拓性和Bp权特性,数学学报,200245(2): 323—334

[65] 陶祥兴,王斯雷,边界不光滑区域上薛定鄂方程的Hp边值问题,数学年刊, 200122(A)(3): 307-318

[66] Xiangxing Tao, The L^p solvability of the Dirichlet problems for the parabolic equations, Studia Mathematica, (2000), 139(2): 69-80

[67] 陶祥兴,关于Schrodinger方程在Lipschitz区域上的边界值问题,数学学报,200043(1): 167-178

[68] 陶祥兴,与Calderon-Zygmund旋转法相关的极大算子,数学年刊,1994, 15(5): 586-595

l 科研项目(部分)

1.  国家自然科学基金项目,函数空间与带粗糙核的非标准奇异积分算子及其应用,2023.1—2026.12,主持

2.  国家自然科学基金项目,若干非标准核奇异积分及相关分数次非线性方程的研究,2018.12021.12,主持

3.  国家自然科学基金项目,第三届近现代数学史与数学教育国际会议,2014.92015.1,主持

4.  国家自然科学基金项目,调和分析及在偏微分方程中若干交叉问题的研究,2012.12015.12,主持

5.  国家自然科学基金项目,奇异偏微分方程若干问题的调和分析技术, 2008.1—2010.12,主持

6.  国家自然科学基金项目,偏微分方程边值问题的调和分析(合作研究项目NSFCICTP),2007,主持

7. 国家自然科学基金项目,非光滑区域上偏微分方程问题的调和分析方法,2005.1—2006.12,主持

8. 教育部留学回国基金,若干偏微分方程问题的调和分析技术,2005.82007.8,主持

9.  浙江省科技(公益技术应用研究)项目,多址信号分析和高维图象处理的应用基础与关键技术,2011.12013.12,主持

10.  浙江省自然科学基金项目,调和分析与偏微分方程国际学术交流项目,2011,主持

11. 浙江省自然科学基金,非光滑区域上的边值理论及其调和分析技术,2003.1—2005.12,主持

12.  宁波市自然科学基金,调和分析技术及若干应用研究,2006.62008.5,主持

13. 宁波市博士基金项目,小波分析及其应用,2000.11—2002.11,主持

14. 宁波市4321人才第一层次人才项目,非光滑区域上的不连续数据的边值问题及位势理论,200112005.12,主持

15. 浙江省151人才工程第一层次人才项目,非光滑区域和黎曼子流形上的非线性偏微分方程,2005.1—2006.1220082009,主持

l 科研成果奖

1. 中国产学研合作创新成果优秀奖,大数据智慧农业关键技术及在现代生态农业中的应用,2021 年,主持

2. 浙江省高等学校科研成果三等奖,非光滑区域偏微分方程的调和分析及应用,2009,主持

3. 宁波市科技进步三等奖,非光滑区域边界值问题的实调和分析技术,2009年,主持

4. 宁波市科技进步三等奖,小波分析调和分析应用研究,2004年,主持

5. 浙江省高等学校科研成果三等奖,粗糙边界值问题的调和分析法,2002年,主持

6. 浙江省教委科技进步叁等奖,极大算子加权有界性的一些进展,1997年,主持

7. 浙江省教委科技进步叁等奖,各向异性奇异积分算子的研究,1996年,主持

8. 浙江省教委科技进步叁等奖,关于Hardy-Littlewood极大算子的加权\phi-模有界性,1994,主持

l 教研项目

1. 教育部第二批新工科研究与实践项目,法国经验及我国新工科国际化人才培养模式的研究与实践——以中法大数据专业为例,20202022,主持

2. 中国-中东欧国家高校联合教育项目,中国-罗马尼亚数学与数据科学高层次人才合作培养,2020.122022.12,主持

3. 浙江省高校虚拟仿真实验教学项目,全流量数据检测分析虚拟仿真实验教学项目,2020,主持

4. 浙江省高等教育十三五第二批教学改革研究项目,中法深度合作大数据专业人才培养体系的创新和实践, 2019,主持

5. 浙江省新世纪高等教育教学改革项目,大数学多元化人才培养模式研究及课程体系和质量管理的改革与实践,2007,主持

6. 浙江省精品课程《常微分方程》课程建设,20042006,主持

l 教学成果奖

1. 宁波市教学成果一等奖,数学与应用数学的课程教学改革和质量管理机制建设的实践与研究,2005,主持

2. 宁波市教学成果二等奖,常微分方程精品课程建设及多样化教学的研究与实践,2007,主持

3. 浙江科技学院教学成果一等奖,地方高校理工结合、产科教融合、深度国际合作的应用型数学人才培养的创新与实践,2020,主持

4. 浙江科技学院教学成果一等奖,应用型本科教育大学数学多维度教学十余年探索与实践,2016,主持

l 教材建设

1. 高等教育出版社,《高等数学》,2012,主编

2. 高等教育电子音像出版社,《常微分方程电子教案》,2007,主编

3. 机械工业出版社,《线性代数》(理工类简明版),2012,参编

l 荣誉

1. 浙江省数学会,浙江省优秀数学教师,2020

2. 浙江省“三育人”先进个人,浙江省教育厅,2018

3. 浙江省第三届师德先进个人,浙江省教育厅,2013

4. 浙江省争先创优优秀共产党员,浙江省教育厅,2012

5. 宁波市高校名师,2003
