
信息来源:   点击次数:  发布时间:2022-05-06

报告题目: Local-in-space blow-up for two-component Camassa–Holm type systems

报告人:程文广 副教授


报告时间:2022年5月11日(周三) 14:00--15:00

报告地点:腾讯会议 147  101  427

报告摘要:The Camassa–Holm equation is a class of important model of shallow water wave which describes three interesting physical phenomena: the solitons, wave breaking and peakons. The two-component Camassa–Holm systems were studied widely in recnet time. In this talk, we shall be mainly concerned with local-in-space blow-up for several two-component Camassa–Holm type systems.

报告人简介:程文广,绍兴文bat365副教授。2021年6月毕业于北京理工大学数学专业,获得理学博士学位。主要从事非线性偏微分方程及其应用的研究,在《J. Math. Fluid Mech.》《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》《Monatsh. Math.》《Math. Methods Appl. Sci.》等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,担任美国《数学评论》评论员和10余个SCI期刊的审稿人,主持完成云南省自然科学基金项目多项。曾获北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文等奖励。

