【和山数学论坛157期】Autonomous Image Mosaicing for aerial images

信息来源:学院办公室   点击次数:  发布时间:2018-05-14

一、题目: Autonomous Image Mosaicing for aerial images

二、主讲人:Dr. Arturo Espinosa-Romero


四、地点:A4-218 (四友之家)

报告摘要:We present a methodology for the autonomous image capture from UAVs, as a step for the generation of aerial image mosaics. In the talk will present a imaging model that allows to define the problem in image-space, and which relies only on the information from inertial and geoposition sensors, to work.

主讲人简介: Arturo Espinosa Romero ,墨西哥,爱丁堡大学信息学博士;

