
The School of Science at ZUST was founded in May, 2005, on the basis of the former department of basic science founded in 2003. The School of Science provides opportunities to nearly 600 students, offering two bachelor degree programs: information and computational science and applied physics, among which the information and computing science began to recruit students in 2003, the applied physics enrollment in 2004.

At the same time, the school has two majors for international students, which are Statistics and Financial Actuarial Science, 3D Laser Technology with English teaching. 15 teachers hold the English teaching for more than 50 international students and all the academic teachers in the School of Science are also responsible for the basic mathematics courses, physics courses and financial actuarial science minor for all the students in ZUST (including international students teaching). “Applied Mathematics” and “Basic Mathematics” are two key disciplines at the provincial level, and institute of Applied Mathematics is at the school level. The school also provides courses for the master degree of engineering simulation calculation and statistics.

The structure of faculty and administrative group of the School is reasonable, and the team is stable and high quality. Now, there are 80 faculty members, among whom 72 are academic teachers, 2 are supervisors for doctoral candidates, 10 are supervisors for master’s candidates, 7 are professors, 27 are associate professors, 36 are teachers with Ph. D. degrees, 1 titled with national advanced individual of teacher's virtue, 1 in Zhejiang Thousand Talents Program, 2 with Zhejiang distinguished teacher, 3 with excellent university teachers of Zhejiang, 3 with Zhejiang advanced individual of teacher's virtue, 6 in the talents of Zhejiang 151 project, 2 with Zhejiang young academic leaders, 1 excellent counselor.

Recent years, the energetic team of teaching research and scientific research holds on more than 60 national or provincial level or higher level projects, which include National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project of the Ministry of Education, Natural Science Foundation of Zhejian and so on. Also, the team published over 10 monographs and text books, among which 2 are provincial major text books, more than 400 papers which were published in domestic and foreign academic journals, including 220 SCI, EI papers. The team won the Teaching Award and university scientific research achievement award of Zhejiang province. Also, the School places great emphasis on teaching construction: 2 physical courses are excellent courses at provincial level, 7 advanced mathematical are excellent courses at school level, 10 insurance actuary courses are major courses at school level.

Nowadays, the School of Science at ZUST has laboratory area of 2500 square meters, including key subject laboratory of basic mathematics, physics laboratory, applied physics laboratory, information and computing sciences laboratory, financial mathematics laboratory.

In order to strengthen the cultivation of applied talents, the School and enterprises in Zhejiang Province signed the agreement to build an internship base. The School pays great attention to the construction of academic exchanges and academic atmosphere, and has established long-term scientific and educational cooperation with many universities and scientific research institutions at home and abroad, hosting of international academic seminar successfully for many times. There are 2 "excellent" projects of the China Scholarship Council and the Sino-German "2+3" project.

The School adheres to the people oriented philosophy of education, implementation of permeation of liberal arts and science, Polytechnic penetration, arts and science penetration, quality type, compound type, application type talents training, by which the School formed the humanities of curriculum system, in class and out of class of ability system, School of practice system, and the basic education of the educational characteristics, achievement striking.

  Under the direction of School of science, the students of ZUST won 11 national first prize, 9 second prize, 11 third prize, 57 Zhejiang Province first prize, 144 the second prize, 277 third prize in the national university student mathematics modeling, national and Zhejiang province higher mathematics competition, Zhejiang province university experimental skills competition.

Last Updated:August 2018
