Departmentment of Applied Physics

Author:  Source:  Date:2018-06-30 17:09:51 Browser:

Since the establishment in 2003, the department of applied physics of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology has made great progress in recent years in the construction of faculty team, professional orientation condensation, platform construction and personal training etc.

1. Teaching staff:

A high level of teaching staff has gradually taken shape: Currently there are 32 academic teachers, among which 8 are professors, 11 associate professors, 22 are teachers with Ph. D. degrees, 1 titled with national advanced individual of teacher's virtue, 1 in Zhejiang Thousand Talents Program, 1 in the National Thousand Talents Program of China, 1 with Zhejiang distinguished teacher, 1 with excellent university teachers of Zhejiang, 3 with Zhejiang advanced individual of teacher's virtue, 3 in the talents of Zhejiang 151 project, 1 with academic leader of middle-aged & young people of Zhejiang Province, 3 with Young Talents of ZUST, 2 are doctoral supervisor and 5 are master’s supervisor.

2. Academic programs:

The department of physics offers a bachelor degree program and master degree program. The program is aimed to training high-quality talents with solid fundamental knowledge and professional application skills in the field of Physics. The students will learn frontiers and recent developments in modern physics, and acquire experimental skills and basic diagnostic techniques. The graduates will lay a solid foundation in physics and be able to solve practical problems in engineering and technology. Furthermore, students’ stringent attitude toward learning and realistic style in research will be developed. The graduates will have high capabilities in independent scientific research and technology development, a strong sense of innovation, higher literacy, good teamwork spirit, as well as an international outlook.

3. Research orientations

1) Optics :

Optical Environment Sensing Technology and Application

Optical Micro-nano Processing Technology

2) Material Physics:

New Superconductors and Physical Properties of Strongly Correlated Systems

New Energy Materials (e.g., carbon nanotubes, graphene)

3) Physics in Quantum Information

Quantum Information and Quantum Computation

Quantum Metrology

Quantum Open System and Dissipative Theory

4. Landmark scientific research achievements:

Recent years, the energetic team of teaching research and scientific research holds on 25 national or provincial level or higher level projects, which include National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project of the Ministry of Education, Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang and so on. Also, the team published 1 monograph, 2 text books, 80 high-quality academic papers and over 20 state-authorized invention patent.       

