Department of Mathematical Information and Statistics

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The Department of Mathematical Information and Statistics of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology was established in 2003. Now it has two professional: One is Information and Computational Science, which is the "13th five-year plan" specialty of Zhejiang Province; Another one is Actuarial statistics and Finance, which is for International students.

The Department of Mathematical Information and Statistics has made considerable progress in the fields of faculty team, professional orientation condensation, platform construction and personal training etc. "Applied Mathematics" and "basic mathematics" are the provincial key disciplines, and the Mathematics discipline is "13th five-year plan" first-class discipline of Zhejiang Province. It owns one first-level discipline academic postgraduate degree point--"Mathematics", and one secondary discipline postgraduate degree point--"Engineering simulation calculation and statistics", which can recruit both domestic and international graduate students. At present, there are more than 30 postgraduates, 20 of whom are international graduate students. There is an institute of applied mathematics in this department, also.

The Department of Mathematical Information and Statistics has a reasonably structured and high-quality faculty. At present there are 33 academic teachers, among which 6 are professors, 7 associate professors, 24 are teachers with Ph. D. degrees, 1 is Zhejiang province 151 level 1 talent, 1 is distinguished teacher of ZUST, 1 with excellent university teachers of Zhejiang, 2 are academic leader of middle-aged & young people of Zhejiang Province, 1 is Young Talents of ZUST, 2 are doctoral supervisor and 7 are master’s supervisor.

In recent years, the department has been full of vitality in teaching and research. Presided over 9 national fund projects, 7 Zhejiang Provincial Fund Projects. Published more than 10 monographs and textbooks. More than 200 papers have been published in academic journals at home and abroad, of which more than 100 have been included in SCI and EI. The Department of Mathematical Information and statistics attaches importance to teaching construction: "Advanced mathematics" and other 7 courses are excellent courses of ZUST, and "Insurance actuarial science" and other 10 courses are key courses at school level.

Currently, The Department of Mathematical Information and statistics has a key laboratory of basic mathematics, Information and computing science professional laboratory and Financial mathematics laboratory which cover an area of over 1000 square meters.
