Applied Physics (Laser 3D Technology)

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I. Training Objectives

This  program is to cultivate  expertises with solid foundations of physics and related applications, strong practical ability and sense of innovation, who can engage in research, teaching, development of new technologies in Applied Physics, cross-disciplinary, and related  fields in science and technology. Part of the graduates are suitable for further education in the relevant disciplines.

II. Training Standards    

The students in this program major in physics and specific basic knowledge and principles, basic experimental skills and technology, and receive scientific thinking and research methods in physics, together with a good spirit of science, scientific literacy, scientific style and sense of innovation. The students should gain the abilities of acquiring knowledge independently, practical ability and technical development capabilities, in order to meet the requirements of technology development, new materials development, applied talents in national economic construction and social development. This program is divided into two directions, the applications of optoelectronic technologies and material physics. The graduates should meet the following requirements.

1. Quality Requirements

(1) Ideological and moral qualities. Love the motherland, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, establish a scientific attitude of the world, life and values; with strong sense of social responsibility, legal awareness, abiding by the law; love this program, focus on professional ethics; has a sense of integrity and teamwork spirit.

(2) Cultural qualities. With literary and artistic accomplishment, interpersonal communication training and modern consciousness.

(3) Professional quality. With solid foundation in mathematics, physics and computer sciences; learn scientific thinking and research methods; have the knowledge and skills of a specialized aspect of Applied Physics (such as optoelectronic technology, materials physics) and abilities to do technology development, applied research and teaching, as well as management; understand the general principles and knowledge of related programs and application fields; Be aware of policies, guidelines, and laws of China's science, technology, and intellectual property; understand frontiers  of theories in applied physics, application prospects and the latest developments, as well as related high-tech industry development; master data query, document retrieval and use of modern information technology to obtain the latest references; with certain capabilities in experimental design, creating experimental conditions, induction, consolidation, analysis of the experimental results, writing, participating in academic communications. Have a realistic sense of innovation and rigorous scientific literacy.

(4) Physical and mental qualities. Have good physical and mental qualities.

2. Capacity requirements

(1) The ability to acquire knowledge: With strong analysis, induction, abstract, deductive reasoning, spatial imagination, accurate calculation ability, as well as good self-learning ability, and the capability to acquire new knowledge.

(2) Application of knowledge and practical ability. The abilities of comprehensively applying knowledge to solve practical problems, comprehensive experiments, data processing, numerical computation, professional software application, computer technology application, photoelectric technology application, materials analysis testing.

(3) Innovative ability. With creative thinking skills, as well as certain amount of science and technology development and research capabilities. Has a strong desire for knowledge and a good ability to accept new knowledge and technology.

(4) Exchange, cooperation, organization and management capability. Has a strong expertise skills, good group cooperation ability, strong organization and management skills, as well as good interpersonal communication capability, social adaptability.

3. Knowledge requirements

(1) Instrumental knowledge. Students are required to master a foreign language, including listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Students are required to grasp the basic knowledge of computer software and hardware technologies, proficiency in basic computer operations, program design and the basic skills of office automation; master literature retrieval skills, as well as writing of scientific papers.  Has a solid mathematical basis, such as vector manipulation, calculus; learn some practical mathematical tools such as MATLAB; grasp the numerical calculation processing, analysis, and etc.

(2) Knowledge of humanities and social sciences.  Students can use the Marxist attitude and methodology to arm our minds, and establish a correct outlook of life and values. Students should have a certain knowledge of Humanities and Social Sciences and artistic accomplishment. Gain certain management awareness, to master certain skills of cooperation and financial management techniques and economic analysis tools. Obtain preliminary techniques of physical exercise, to develop a scientific exercise habits, physical health, and finally meet the college sports criteria.

(3) Natural science knowledge. Master the basic theories and methods of the natural science (mathematics, physics, etc.), and make use of them to analyze and solve problems.

(4) Knowledge of program. The basic theories of applied physics and engineering, such as basic physics, theoretical physics, optoelectronics. Basic hands-on ability and exercise, such as basic physics experiments, Analog/Digital electronic circuits experiments, materials and plasma experiments, as well as optoelectronic devices and detection experiments. Be able to apply what they have learned program knowledge and skills to analyze and solve practical problems. For example, the students in the direction of the photoelectric technology has photoelectric technical analysis, application and detection capabilities, while the students in the direction of material physics has the ability of testing and analyzing materials, designing and preparing semiconductor devices."  

III. Realization Matrix of Knowledge, Ability and Quality


The Main Courses or Education Training Strategy



Specialty knowledge: master the basic theory of physics, the basic experimental skills, and  basic knowledge.

To be realized via major courses, extended courses, laboratory practical applications and so on.

Lay a solid foundation of specialty, understanding majors forefront of developments of Applied Physics, application prospects, and related high-tech industries development.

Tools of knowledge: master a foreign language, computer and information technology, mathematical foundation, patent applications, etc.

University English, mathematics, linear algebra, C language programming, CAD.
Realized via learning English Language, basic computer fundamentals, bilingual courses, and helding German speech contest, participating in the German exams, literature translations ect.

Foreign language requirements: achieve proficiency in reading and translating professional literature and simple communication;
Computer requirements: achieve proficiency in the application of computer and basic grasp of the foundations of mathematics and common softwares.

Knowledge of Humanities and Social Sciences

Implemented via the "ideological and political courses, as well as social practice and other extra-curricular activities.

Be able to gain a certain knowledge in philosophy, political science, law, psychology, economic management, and etc.

Other basics knowledges in natural sciences and related engineering techniques.

Realized by extended courses like analog electronics, digital electronics, signal and information and so on.

Be prepared for possible extension.


Ability to acquire knowledge

To be realized by lectures,practices, and applications.

With self-learning ability, and the ability of acquiring and processing information.

Ability to apply knowledge: have strong ability in experimental and engineering practice.

Enhance experimental and practical ability through basic and professional experiments;
Improve practical engineering ability via awareness, metalworking, social practice, curriculum design, graduation internship, as well as innovative practice activities and research activities under the guidance of tutors.

Comprehensive knowledge application and problem-solving skills, experimental and engineering practice ability, computer and information technology application ability.

Have a certain exchange,  cooperation and organization management capabilities

Improving exchanging, cooperation, organization and management skills by participating engineering practice, science and technology contests, research projects, volunteer activities, students community activities, social practice, etc.

With certain technical management capacity, with good written and verbal communication skills, the ability to communicate with people, teamwork and activity strategizing capabilities

Innovative ability

Realized by combining theoretical teaching and practical applications, such as the practice of scientific research, applied technology curriculum design, teamwork and so on.

With some creative thinking ability, the ability of scientific research, as well as technology development capabilities.


Ideological and moral qualities

Implemented via "Ideological and political" courses and extra-curricular social practices.

With good citizenship, legal awareness, political and ideological quality, moral character, integrity. Be able to Maintain and fulfill their civic moral framework, and make contributions to the society.

Professional quality

Realized by participating main courses of study program, experimental and practical exercises, ideological education, academic coferences, strengthened practical activities, Bachelor thesis, as well as various physical contests and computer programming contests, etc.

Scientific way of thinking, the spirit of science, innovation, technology, application awareness and engineering technology capability.

Humanistic quality

To be realized via taking part in courses in addition to the courses of natural science and technology.

Cultural awareness, artistic accomplishment, modern consciousness, global awareness, as well as teamwork.

Physical and mental qualities

Sports, physical health training, mental health education, outdoor activities, sports meeting, military training, as well as various competitions.

With good physical and psychological fitness.

IV Major disciplines


V. Core Courses    

Fundamental Physics, Methods of Mathematical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Theoretical Mechanics, Introduction to photoelectric materials, Electroagnetic Fields and Electromagetic waves, Optoelectronics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Microelectronics, Physics in English.

Bilingual courses: Applied Optics, The basis of electric light source and display devices, Laser technology and its application (Germany)

Self-studying or discussion courses:  History of Science and Technology, Computer network technology and applications    

VI. Main Internship and Practice  

Military Theory and Training, Social Practice, Basic Physics Experiment, Experiment of Modern Physics, Experiment in Electronic Technology, Experiment of Material and Plasma, Experiment of Optoelectronic Devices and Testing, Experiment of Photoelectronic Information Technology, Applied Technology Practice, Undergraduate Thesis.    

VII. Length of Schooling, Degree and Credits Requirements for Graduation

    1Length of SchoolingThis is a  Bachelor Degree of Science programme.The length of schooling generally lasts four years.But if students take extra courses,they can graduate one year in advance or they have a maximum of  8 years to finish the Bachelor Degree of Science programme.

    2Degree ConferredBachelor of Science.

    3The Minimum Graduation Credits169.0          

VIIICredits Structure and Ratio

The curriculum Provision and Study Type


Credits Ratios

Theory Teaching                 

Basic LevelRequired


36.4% of the total theoretial credits

Specialty LevelRequired


37.2% of the total theoretial credits

Expand and Recombination LevelOptional


26.4% of the total theoretial credits




Practice Teaching







