Information and Computational Science (Statistics and Financial Actuarial Science)

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Statistics and Financial Actuarial Science is an English-taught study program for international students. The program is well designed to foster senior application -oriented talents with solid mathematics, fundamental theories in modern economy management, as well as basic knowledge, theories, and methods in statistics and financial actuarial science. The graduates will be able to tackle and solve realistic problems in economy and finance.


¨ The curriculum is designed in full line with international standard together with unique Chinese characteristics. Special emphasis is put on its application feature and case study.

¨ Fundamental theories and knowledge in Financial, Actuarial Science, and Statistics.

¨ Basic training in the fields of Actuarial Science and Economic Management.

¨ Strong capability of practicing and using statistical software in mathematical modeling, numerical calculation, data processing, financial information analysis, as well as actuarial design.

Main Courses

¨ Stochastic Process

¨ Principles of Economics

¨ Principles of Finance

¨ Principles of Management

¨ Financial Accounting

¨ Foundation of Financial Management

¨ Actuarial Science

¨ Financial Mathematic

¨ Econometrics

¨ Actuarial Risk Theory

¨ Securities Investment

¨ Financial Actuarial Science

¨ Time Series Analysis

¨ Application of Statistical Software


¨ Financial modeling, management, investigation, and decision making in department of foreign economic relations and trade, enterprises and government.

¨ Actuarial analysis, design, management, and evaluation in related sections.

¨ After graduation, the students may further their study for master degree in related fields.

Characteristics and Advantages

¨ In close combination with the international characteristics of our university.

¨ The curriculum is designed in full line with international standard together with unique Chinese characteristics.

¨ Uniquely designed for international students, small class and English-taught.

¨ Foster cross-culture communication skills and international application -oriented talents.

¨ Flexible length of schooling: 3 to 8 years, normally 4 years.
