Yongxian Yan

Office Phone: +86 0571-85070707

Email: yyx3515@126.com

Room: A4-213

Research Interests:

Research and Study on College Mathematics


Yongxian Yan obtained her first degree in 1988 at Zhejiang Normal University and remained on the school staff after graduation until July 2003.
She gained the Master degree in 1997.
In 2003, she became the faculty of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology.


[1] Application of Taylor’s mean value theorem in proof of inequalities, Y. Yan, Journal of Zhangjiang University of Science of Technology. Vol. 22 No.3. June 2010 

[2] Elegant proof of fundamental formula of calculus and its new applications, Y. Yan, Journal of Zhangjiang University of Science of Technology. Vol. 23 No.4. Aug 2011  

[3] Determing integral intervals in triple integral by projection, Y. Yan, Journal of Zhangjiang Normal University, Vol. 27 No.4. Nov 2004

[4] Advance Mathematics, X. Tao, W. Zhu, W. Li, Y. Yan, etc, Higher education press, 2012.
