ShiCai Gong


Office Phone:


Room: A4-315

Research Interests:

Graph theory
Combinatorial optimization
Complex network
Spectral graph theory


After obtaining his PhD under the supervision of Professor Yi Zheng Fan at Anhui University, worked at Zhejiang A&F University as a professor. From 2015 he worked in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology.


[1]Shi-Cai Gong, On the rank of a real skew symmetric matrix described by an oriented graph, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 10(2017),1934–194

[2]Shi-Cai Gong, Xue-Liang Li, On the Maximal Energy of Integral Weighted Trees with Fixed Total Weight Sum, MATCH Commun. in Math. Comput. Chem., 76 (2016) 615-633.

[3] Shi-Cai Gong, Xue-Liang Li, Guang-Hui Xu, I. Gutman, B. Furtula: Borderenergetic Graphs, MATCH Commun. in Math. Comput. Chem., 74(2)(2015). 321-332.

[4]Xue-Liang Li, Mei-Qin Wei, Shi-Cai Gong, A Computer Search for the Borderenergetic Graphs of order 10, MATCH Commun. in Math. Comput. Chem., 74(2)(2015) 333-342.

[5]Shi-Cai Gong, Xue-Liang Li, I. Gutman, Guang-Hui Xu, Yu-Xiang Tang, Zhong-Mei Qin, Kang Yang,On Maximal Energy of Trees with Fixed Weight Sequence, MATCH Commun. in Math. Comput. Chem., 75 (2016) 267-278.

[6]Guang-Hui Xu, Shi-Cai Gong, The effect on synchronizability of networks under edge perturbation, Utilitas Mathematica, 97(2015) 241-255.( corresponding author).

[7]Hui-Qiu Lin, Ming-Qing Zhai, Shi-Cai Gong,, On graphs with at least three distance eigenvalues less than -1, Linear Algebra and its Appl., 458 (2014), 548–558.

[8]Li-Pu Zhang, Ying-Hong Xu, Guang-Hui Xu, Shi-Cai Gong, A Particle Swarm Runge-Kutta Optimization Algorithm for Solving the BVP of ordinary Differential Equation, J. Information & Comput. Science 11:1 (2014) 79-91.

[9] Shi-Cai Gong, X. L. Li, Guang-Hui Xu, On the oriented graphs with minimal skew energy, Electronic J. Linear Algebra, 27(2014), 692-702.

[10]Shi-Cai Gong, Guang-Hui Xu, 4-regular oriented graphs with optimum skew energies, European Journal of Combinatorics,36(2014)77-85.

[11]Ming-Qing Zhai, Hui-Qiu Lin, Shi-Cai Gong,Spectral conditions for the existence of specified paths and cycles in graphs, Linear Algebra and its Appl., 459 (2014), 638–547.

[12] Guang-Hui Xu, Shi-Cai Gong, On oriented graphs whose skew spectral radii do not exceed 2, Linear Algebra and its Appl., 439 (2013), 2878–2887.

[13] Shi-Cai Gong,Yao-Ping Hou, Ching-Wah Woo, Guang-Hui Xu, Xiao-Ling Shen, On the integral weighted oriented unicyclic graphs with minimum skew energy,  Linear Algebra and its Appl.,439(2013)262-272.

[14] Xiang-Hao Yang, Shi-Cai Gong and Guang-Hui Xu, Minimal skew energy of oriented unicyclic graphs with fixed diameter, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2013:418.( 第一通讯作者)

[15] Li-Pu Zhang, Ying-Hong Xu, Guang-Hui Xu, Shi-Cai Gong,A Catfish Effect Inspired Harmony Search Algorithm for Optimization,Int. J. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 2013; 14(6): 413–422

[16] Shi-Cai Gong, Guang-Hui Xu, On the nullity of graphs with cutpoint,Linear Algebaric and its Application, 436 (2012) 135–142.

[17] Shi-Cai Gong, Guang-Hui Xu, 3- regular digraphs with optimum skew energy,Linear Algebaric and its Application, 436 (2012) 465–471.(高被引论文)

[18] Shi-Cai Gong, The characteristic set with respect to k-maximal vectors of a tree, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 23(2012) 66-78.

[19] Shi-Cai Gong, Guang-Hui Xu, The characteristic polynomial and the matchings polynomial of a weighted oriented graph, Linear Algebra and its Appl., 436 (2012) 3597–3607.

[20] B. A. Richard, Jia-Yu Shao, Shi-Cai Gong, Chang-Qing Xu, Guang-Hui Xu, On the extremal energy of integral weighted trees, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 60 (11-12) (2012) 1255-1264.

[21] Shi-Cai Gong, Yi-Zheng Fan, The Property of Maximal Eigenvectors of Trees, Linear Algebaric and multilinear Algebaric, 58 (1) (2010) 105 - 111. 

[22] Shi-Cai Gong, Yi-Zheng Fan, Zhi-Xiang Yin, On the nullity of the graphs with pendent trees, Linear Algebaric and its Application, 433 (7) (2010) 1374-1380.
