Changrong Wang


Office Phone: +86(0)571-85070712


Room: A4-209

Research Interests:

Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Optics and Application
College Physics and Education Theory
Method of Mathematical Physics and Special Function


Prof. Changrong Wang obtained his Ph.D. at physics department of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Changrong Wang was named as assistant professor at 1994 and as professor at 1998. In 2012, he was awarded as outstanding college teacher of Zhejiang Province. He is now lecturing major courses such as Quantum Mechanism, Method of Mathematical Physics and Group Theory. In 2009, he was awarded the first prize for his outstanding teaching. His research field is mainly on the quantum theory and college physics education theory. He has directed several national, provincial scientific and education projects and published more than ten papers.


[1] Provincial excellent courses on college physics No. [2009]163. October 2009.

[2] Space parity deformation under the quantum statistical properties of single-mode light field research Natural Scientific Fund of Zhejiang Province, No. y6100171. July 2010

[3] Applied physics professional photoelectric technology reform and practice of curriculum group construction Zhejiang new century educational reform project, No. yb2010044. September 2009.

[4] Quantum mechanics research and practice of class teaching reform The classroom teaching reform project in Zhejiang Province No. kg2013267. November 2013.
