Hengyan Wang


Office Phone: 86+ 0751-85070705

Email: hywang@zust.edu.cn

Room: A4-103

Research Interests:

Atomic and Molecular Physics
Quantum information processing and quantum computation
Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques
Light-atom interactions


2011.09 - 2017.06  
University of Science and Technology of China, China
Ph.D. in Physics (June 2017)
The Instituter for Quantum Computing (IQC), University of Waterloo, Canada
Visiting Researcher
2007.09 - 2011.06  
Shandong Normal University, China  
B.S. in Physics (June 2007)


(#: contribute equally, *: corresponding author)

(1) H. Y. Wang, W. Q. Zheng, Y. F. Yu, X. H. Peng* and J. F. Du, Determining an n-qubit state by a single apparatus through a pairwise interaction, Phys. Rev. A, (2014),89, 032103. 

(2) H. Y. Wang, W. Q. Zheng, N. K. Yu, K. R. Li, D. W. Lu, T. Xin, C. Li, Z. F. Ji, D. Kribs, B. Zeng*, X. H. Peng* and J. F. Du, Quantum state and process tomography via adaptive measurements, Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron., (2016), 59, 100313 

(3) W. C. Ma#, Z. H. Ma#, H. Y. Wang#, Z. H. Chen,Y. Liu, F. Kong, Z. K. Li, X. H. Peng, M. J. Shi, F. Z. Shi, S.-M. Fei, J. F. Du*, Experimental test of Heisenberg's measurement uncertainty relation based on statistical distances, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2016), 116, 160405. 

(4) X.-W. Yao#*, H. Y. Wang#, Z. Y. Liao, M.-C. Chen, J. Pan, J. Li, K. C. Zhang, X. C. Lin, Z. H. Wang, Z. H. Luo, W. Q. Zheng, J. Z. Li, M. S. Zhao, X. H. Peng*, and D. Suter*, Quantum Image Processing and Its Application to Edge Detection: Theory and Experiment, Phys. Rev. X (2017), 7, 031041.

(5) W. Q. Zheng, Z. H. Ma, H. Y. Wang*, S.-M. Fei*, X. H. Peng*. Experimental Demonstration of Observability and Operability of Robustness of Coherence, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2018) (Accepted)
