Kehan Tian


Office Phone: 86+ 0751-85070705


Room: A4-105

Research Interests:

3D optics, Diffraction optics, Micro-nano optics


2001.09 - 2006.06  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
                Ph.D. in Physics
1999.09 - 2001.12  Tsinghua University, China  
                M. Sc. in Optical Engineering
1995.09 - 1999.06  Tsinghua University, China
                B.S. in Precision instrument and  
Academic Career
2015.06 -         Zhejiang University of Science and  
Technology, China
Professor / National Thousand Talent  
Program (2016)
2006.06 - 2015. 06  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, US
                 Senior Scientists/Technical leader


[1] Tian K, Arora W, Takahashi S, Hong J, Barbastathis G. Dynamic group velocity control in a mechanically tunable photonic-crystal coupled-resonator optical waveguide. Phys. Rev. B, 2009, 80(13): 134305.

[2] Tian K, Barbastathis G, Hong J. Localized propagation modes guided by shear discontinuities in photonic crystals. Optics Express, 2006, 14(22):10887.

[3] Tian K, Cuingnet T, Li Z, Liu W, Psaltis D, Barbastathis G. Diffraction from deformed volume holograms: perturbation theory approach. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics Image Science & Vision, 2005, 22(12):2880-2889.

[4] Tian K, Barbastathis G. Coherence patterns originating from incoherent volume sources. Optics Letters, 2004, 29(7):670-672.
