Zhe Huang


Office Phone:

Email: huangzhe_amtb@outlook.com

Room: A4-103

Research Interests:

3D mico-fabrication and optical thin film,

Terahertz metamaterial/matasurface devices,

Machine learning,

Image processing


Dr. Zhe HUANG received his MPhil and PhD degrees in City University of Hong Kong in 2009 and 2015 respectively, and joint the School of Science, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology in 2017. Since Oct 2021, he is the committee member in the Department of Applied Physics. Dr. HUANG is the member of OSA and reviewers for Optics Letters, Applied Optics, Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology etc.


(1) Z. Huang, H. P. Chan, E. Pickwell-MacPherson, and E. P. J. Parrott, Low-cost wet-etching method to fabricate a robust THz tri-layer polarizer with a high extinction ratio, 2021 Cross Strait Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSRSWTC), Shen Zhen, Oct., 2021

(2) Z. Huang, E. P. J. Parrott, H. Park, H. P. Chan, and E. Pickwell-MacPherson, High extinction ratio and low transmission loss thin-film terahertz polarizer with a tunable bilayer metal wire-grid structure, Opt. Lett., 2014, 39(4): 793–796

(3) Z. Huang, H. Park, E. P. J. Parrott, H. P. Chan, and E. Pickwell-MacPherson, Robust Thin-Film Wire-Grid THz Polarizer Fabricated via a Low-Cost Approach, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2013, 25(1): 81–84

(4) Z. Huang, H. P. Chan, M. A. Uddin, Low-loss ultracompact optical power splitter using a multistep structure, Appl. Opt., 2010, 49(10): 1900-1907

(5) H. Park, E. P. J. Parrott, Z. Huang, H. P. Chan, and E. Pickwell-MacPherson*, Accurate photoconductive antenna characterization using a thin film polarizer, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2012, 101(12): 121108-1–121108-4
