Qian Yaguan

Associate Professor

Office Phone:

Email: qianyg@yeah.net

Room: A4-211

Research Interests:

Machine Learning
Data Mining
Traffic Classification
Network Security


He received the M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Zhejiang University in 2005 and 2014 respectively. He is currently an associate professor of School of Science in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. His research interests include Machine Learning, Data Mining, Internet traffic modeling, traffic classification and traffic anomaly detection.


[1] The statistical characteristics of internet topology model. Information Science and Engineering (ICISE), 2010 2nd International Conference on. IEEE, 2010: 2475-2478.

[2] Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Based on Maximum Entropy Model. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2012,21(3).

[3] Metrics in Sharing Video Relationship-Networks [J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2014, 23(3).

[4] Modeling and Generating Realistic Background Traffic by Hybrid Approach [J]. China Communications. 2015.1 (in press).
