Institute of quantum information

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Quantum computation and information are results of the efforts to generalize classical computation and information to the quantum world. An important step in quantum information theory is the manipulation of quantum information. This requires quantum logic gates, in rough analog to the processing of classical information with digital circuits. The research topics in this group include:

1) Quantum metrology. The study of making high-resolution and highly sensitive measurements of physical parameters using quantum theory. This field promises to develop measurement techniques that give better precision than the same measurement performed in a classical framework.

2) Quantum measurement. Focus on fast readout of a quantum bit or ‘qubit’, which is the counter-part of the classical information unit ‘bit’. Investigate various schemes to achieve efficient and high precision quantum measurement using different physical systems.

3) Quantum transport. The design of electronic devices using basic units, such as transistors. On the theoretical side, the task is to calculate the current-voltage characteristics of systems consisting of a quantum system (such as quantum dots) sandwiched between two metallic electrodes.

4) Quantum dynamics. Quantum dynamics deals with the motions, and energy and momentum exchanges of systems whose behavior is governed by the quantum theory. Quantum dynamics is relevant for burgeoning fields, such as quantum computing.

5) Quantum computing. Quantum computing is computing using quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement. A quantum computer would have attractive speedup advantage over a classical computer in a certain field.

At present, the group has 3 million RMB research funding. 
