Institute of Optoelectronic Information Technology

Author:  Source:  Date:2018-08-24 16:28:11 Browser:

Artificial intelligence is the research of making machines to do intelligent work that only people can do in the past. For inanimate machines, one of the most important thing to do is to consider how to perceive the information of the environment. The research topics in this group include:

1) Micro-nano diffraction optical 3D sensing and VR Technology: The main research direction focuses on “AI” and “human-computer interaction”, “robot depth perception” and “VR/AR” in the field of application development, design and manufacture of micro nano optical devices, diffraction integration, 3D optical sensing system and key technology and application of diffractive optics based on VR/AR.

2) AI laser radar technology: This study mainly aims at “intelligent driving”, “wisdom city”, “intelligent manufacturing” and “ocean of wisdom” in the field of dynamic multidimensional sensor application. The key technology and application of laser radar with the advantage of high resolution, lightweight, multifunctional environmental perception will be invented.

3) Distributed optical fiber sensing network and quantum computing: The main direction is at "smart security" and "city brain", "national security" and "safety engineering application. Research on distributed optical fiber sensing network technology and quantum computing technology, will be carried out through distributed sensor network construction of thermal, optical and electrical parameters with high speed quantum computing technology. Therefore, intelligence will be realized in the area of city, mines factories, oil and marine.

At present, the group has 5 million RMB research funding. 
