Institute of materials physics

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Materials Science is the study of organizational structure, material properties, production process, use efficiency and the relationship between them, which covering physics, chemistry, and other fields as well. The research interest in our group includes the exploration of new superconductors, the physical properties of strongly correlated systems, and new energy materials, which are listed as following:

1) Superconductivity. The pairing of superconductivity as a macroscopic quantum effect originates from the coherent condensation in the conduction electrons of materials, which is one of the most peculiar phenomena in nature. But the scope of its application is limited to the critical temperature Tc, which is still not high enough. Our ultimate goal is to find novel superconducting materials with much higher Tc and provides more clues for helping understand the superconducting mechanisms of unconventional superconductivity.

2) Strongly correlated systems. Centering on understanding the strongly correlated electron phenomena in novel d-electron materials.These phenomena include ferroelectricity, magnetism, and effects arising from their interplay. Primarily apply muon spin rotation/relaxation (µSR) to the study of local magnetic and electronic properties of materials. Prepare and characterize single/polycrystalline samples, thermal and magnetic properties of these materials over a wide range of temperature and magnetic field.

3) Electron properties calculation. Electron properties calculation focuses on the electronic properties of new layer iron-based superconductor using the first principles electronic structure calculation, so as to elucidate the pairing origin of iron-based superconductivity.

4) New energy materials. As an important part of materials science and engineering, the main researching contents of new energy materials are  the composition and structure of materials, preparation and processing technology, material properties, material utilization efficiency and their four relationships. Our team mainly focuses upon carbon based materials, including carbon nanotubes, graphene and other advanced materials and composite materials in solar cells, lithium batteries, supercapacitors and other applications.

At present, the group has 1 million RMB research funding. 
