Ying Shi


Office Phone:

Email: yingshi@zust.edu.cn

Room: A3-211

Research Interests:

Discrete Integrable Systems,  
Bäcklund and Darboux Transformations,  
Inverse Scattering Transform,
Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Differential/Difference Equations, Eymmetric Functions,  


Dr. Ying Shi received her Ph.D. in 2014 under the supervision of Professor Dajun Zhang at Shanghai University. In 2012, she obtained the State Scholarship Fund organized by the China Scholarship Council (CSC), for Joint Ph.D. candidate programme at the University of Glasgow (Sep.2012 - Jan.2014, under the supervision of Professor Jonathan J C Nimmo). Her research interests lies in Mathematical Physics with emphasis on integrable systems and soliton theory.


[1] Darboux and binary Darboux transformations for discrete integrable systems I. Discrete potential KdV equation. Y. Shi, J.J. C Nimmo and D.J. Zhang, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor, 47 025205 (2014).

[2] Rational solutions of the H3 and Q1 models in the ABS lattice list. Y. Shi and D.J. Zhang, SIGMA 046, 11pages (2011).

[3] Solutions to the non-autonomous ABS lattice equations: Casoratians and bilinearization. Y. Shi, D.J. Zhang and S.L. Zhao, Science China Mathematics (Chinese), Vol.44, No.1, 37-45 (2014).
