Shiping Ruan


Office Phone:


Room: A4-202

Research Interests:

Electronic Display Technology  
Electric Light Source


1978.07 Graduated from Hangzhou University with his MS degree.
1978.08-1998.04 Physics department of Hangzhou university, Lecturer, Associate professor, Deputy director of the Inst. of fluorescent display  
1998.05-2002.07 Physics department of Zhejiang university, Associate professor, Director of the Inst. of fluorescent display  
2002.08-2004.12 CrystaLaser Co.,  USA,  Senior engineer  
2005.02-2010.05 Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Professor, Vice dean of the School of science
From 2010.06-Present date, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Professor, Dean of the Office of research affairs.


[1] .Color picture elecment tube for large screen Display [J] .SPIE. 2892 (1996):262-268

[2] Cathode design of DC powered vacuum fluorescent display[J], Chinese Journal Of Vacuum Science And Technology, Vol. 27(5) (2007):434-436

[3] A phosphor coating processing with SiO2 for carbon nanotube FED[J], Chinese Journal Of Electron Devices,  Vol.31  No.1 ,(2008):206-211

[4] New electric light sources and their production[J], Infrared and Laser Engineering, Vol.38 Supplement, 35-38
